


Ivermectin's Mechanism of Action Against SARS-CoV-2 Described





SHAME on the hospital systems that systematically denied patients (and their begging families) this FDA-approved, Nobel prize winning, wonder drug.






Researching our book—The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex—was often a distressing and maddening experience. The systematic lying about hydroxychloroquine to suppress its use in the outpatient setting was infuriating. 


私たちの本『COVID-19に立ち向かう勇気』のリサーチ: バイオ医薬品コンプレックスと闘いながら、入院と死亡を防ぐ-』を研究することは、しばしば苦痛と狂気の体験であった。ヒドロキシクロロキンの外来での使用を抑制するための組織的な嘘には腹が立った。



However, for me, the most upsetting stories were about people who died in hospital after being systematically denied ivermectin. The sheer brutality of hospital chiefs and their attorneys, who fought tooth and nail against the administration of ivermectin to dying patients, must surely be the most morally repugnant story in modern medical history.





As we document in our book, Drs. Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, and Tess Lawrie were on the front line of fighting for ivermectin in the hospital setting. Drs. Jean-Jacques and Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter published their seminal (ICON) study in the October 12, 2020 edition of the CHEST journal of pulmonary medicine. The investigative journalists, Michael Capuzzo and Mary Beth Pfeiffer, did a splendid job of covering this story in real time. All of the above are heroic figures of great intellectual and moral discernment to whom we should all be grateful. 






Many patients who were fortunate enough to prevail in court and receive ivermectin enjoyed an astonishing improvement of their condition within 24 hours of receiving their first dose—a recovery that struck family members as miraculous. 




In listening to their stories, I often asked myself: “How on earth could this substance (macrocyclic lactone)—derived from a bacteria (Streptomyces avermectinius) found in a soil sample on a golf course in Japan—possibly work such miracles?” Truly these testimonies struck me as the most wondrous stories I’d ever heard, and I occasionally asked myself if the recoveries observed were a fluke or the result of some other unknown factors. 


彼らの話を聞きながら、私はしばしば自問した: 「この物質(大環状ラクトン)は、日本のゴルフ場の土壌サンプルから発見されたバクテリア(ストレプトマイセス・アベルメクチニウス)に由来している。




To be sure, we already knew from in vitro and from prior studies that ivermectin had demonstrated potent anti-viral activity, but the precise cause of action was unknown. Now, thanks to a study recently published by a research team at MEPHI, Aix-Marseille Université, we have a highly plausible description of ivermectin’s mechanism of action against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. 


確かに、イベルメクチンが強力な抗ウイルス活性を示すことは、in vitroや先行研究からすでに知られていたが、その作用の正確な原因は不明であった。



In order to understand this mechanism, the reader must first understand that the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Hemagglutination—i.e., a reaction that causes clumping of red blood cells.  



A glycoprotein on the viral surface, namely hemagglutinin, interacts with red blood cells, leading to the clumping of red blood cells and the formation of a lattice.





As the Aix-Marseille team documents in their study: IVERMECTIN blocked HEMAGGLUTINATION when added to RED BLOOD CELLS prior to spike protein and reversed HEMAGGLUTINATION when added afterward. 


エクス・マルセイユの研究チームがその研究の中で報告している: IVERMECTINはスパイクタンパク質の前に赤血球に添加するとHEMAGGLUTINATIONを阻害し、その後に添加するとHEMAGGLUTINATIONを逆転させた。


By reversing the clumping of red blood cells, ivermectin enabled the dying patient’s proper respiratory function to return, thereby generating his or her astonishing recovery. 




If the Aix-Marsaille team’s findings are correct—and we have no reason to doubt that they are—they provide the final validation and vindication of the dying patients and their families who literally begged for the wonder drug. 




SHAME on the hospital administrators and their thuggish attorneys who denied the countless dying wishes. SHAME on the federal health officials who propagated the LIE that Ivermectin was merely a “horse de-wormer.” SHAME on the useful idiot media pundits such as CNN broadcasters and Late-Night Comedy hosts who flooded the zone with this foul lie.



 イベルメクチンは単なる "馬の駆虫剤 "だという嘘を広めた連邦政府の保健当局に恥を知れ

 イベルメクチンは単なる "馬の駆虫剤 "であるという嘘を流布した連邦保健当局に恥をかかせなさい





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