
天然物 インシリコ : コロナ、コロナ爆沈の治療薬になり得るか(下)  Results & Conclusion

ブログ総もくじ   伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト  Coロナ関連記事目次  今、電子カルテがあぶない   個人情報談義 目次

3. Results and Discussion

Various investigated natural products, their sources, and the type of antiviral activity reported against a variety of viruses are described in Table 1. 



The results acquired after assessment of active site residues of SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex that may be associated with the interaction with the ligand are shown in Figure 1.

The binding interaction of the selected compounds with the SARS spike glycoprotein- Human ACE2 complex is characterized by their appropriate fitting in the binding pocket is shown in Figure 2. 



The investigated natural products along with their 2D structures and the docking results in terms of affinity (kcal/mol) and amino acid involved in the interaction of the compound with the protein are shown in Figure 3.


And the binding potential of the compounds undergoing molecular docking is further evidenced by accompanying interaction (hydrogen bonds, pi-pi interaction, pi-alkyl interactions) with a variety of amino acid residues as represented in Table 2. 



Figure 1. Amino acid residues are existing in the active site of SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex along with chain “A” (green stick model), chain “B” (blue stick model), and chain “C” (orange stick model). 

図1. SARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体の活性部位に存在するアミノ酸残基を、鎖 "A"(緑色の棒モデル)、鎖 "B"(青色の棒モデル)、鎖 "C"(オレンジ色の棒モデル)と共に示す。


The binding sites of the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex were determined in order to determine the amino acid residues, which may associate in the

interaction with ligand (Figure 1). 


The active amino acid residues were distributed in three chains A, B, and C, and active amino acid residues exist around the outer membrane of the crystal structure of protein rather than the inner core. 



The docking study was performed to find the potential natural compounds accompanied by inhibitory properties towards the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex with their individual binding affinity to the protein. 



Since the best binding interactions are accomplished when the affinity is least, indicating a highly stabilized complex of the ligand and protein, this could be responsible for illicit the response.



Among the several natural candidates, the best affinity is associated in the case of indigo blue (-11.2 kcal/mol) followed by glycyrrhizin (-10.9 kcal/mol), β-sitosterol (-10.1 kcal/mol), indirubin (-9.8 kcal/mol), bicylogermacrene (-9.5 kcal/mol), curcumin (-9.3 kcal/mol), hesperetin (-9.2 kcal/mol), rhein (-9.1kcal/mol), berberine (-9.0 kcal/mol), chrysophanic acid (-8.8 kcal/mol), β-caryophyllene (-8.2 kcal/mol), and eugenol (-6.2 kcal/mol). 

いくつかの天然候補物質の中で、最も親和性が高いのはインジゴブルー(-11.2kcal/mol)で、次いでグリチルリチン(-10.9kcal/mol)、β-シトステロール(-10.1kcal/mol)、インジルビン(-9.8kcal/mol)、ビシロゲルマクレン(-9. 5kcal/mol)、クルクミン(-9.3kcal/mol)、ヘスペレチン(-9.2kcal/mol)、レイン(-9.1kcal/mol)、ベルベリン(-9.0kcal/mol)、クリソファン酸(-8.8kcal/mol)、β-カリオフィレン(-8.2kcal/mol)、オイゲノール(-6.2kcal/mol)。 
Figure 2. Accommodation of the ligands (natural products) including(a) berberine,(b) indigo blue, (c) β- sitosterol,(d) glycyrrhizin, (e) indirubin, (f) hesperetin, (g) bicylogermacrene, (h) β-caryophyllene, (i) chrysophanic acid, (j) rhein, (k) curcumin and (l) eugenol in the pocket of SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex.
図2. (a)ベルベリン、(b)インジゴブルー、(c)β-シトステロール、(d)グリチルリチン、(e)インジルビン、(f)ヘスペレチン、 (g)ビシロゲルマクレン、(h)β-カリオフィレン、(i)クリソファン酸、(j)レイン、(k)クルクミン、(l)オイゲノール、がSARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体のポケットに存在する。

Figure 3. The residues of amino acids associated in the interaction of a) berberine, (b)indigo blue, (c) indirubin, (d) β-sitosterol, (e) glycyrrhizin, (f) hesperetin, (g) bicylogermacrene, (h) β-caryophyllene, (i) chrysophanic acid, (j) indirubin, (k) rhein, (l) curcumin and (m) eugenol with SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex. 

図3. a)ベルベリン、(b)インジゴブルー、(c)インジルビン、(d)β-シトステロール、(e)グリチルリチン、(f)ヘスペレチン、 (g)ビシロゲルマクレン、(h)β-カリオフィレン、(i)クリソファン酸、(j)インジルビン、(k)レイン、(l)クルクミン、(m)オイゲノールとSARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体との相互作用。

Promising inhibitory activity of indigo blue towards the SARS spike glycoprotein- Human ACE2 complex was observed, which was associated with two hydrogen bonds with GLN 947 (Chain “A”) and GLN 744 (Chain “B”) respectively. 

SARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体に対するインジゴブルーの有望な阻害活性が観察され、これはそれぞれGLN 947(鎖 "A")およびGLN 744(鎖 "B")との2つの水素結合と関連していた。

A pi-pi stacked interaction with PHE 741 and a pi-sigma interaction with THR 943 (Chain “A”) was also observed. 

PHE 741とのπ-πスタック相互作用、THR 943(鎖 "A")とのπ-σ相互作用も観察された。

A prominent binding of glycyrrhizin was observed, which is associated with six hydrogen bonds, specifically with GLN 944, TYR 738, GLN 984, THR 980 (chain “A”), THR 980 (chain “B”), and ARG 977. 

グリチルリチンの顕著な結合が観察され、これは6つの水素結合、具体的にはGLN 944、TYR 738、GLN 984、THR 980(鎖 "A")、THR 980(鎖 "B")およびARG 977と関連している。

It could be said that hydrogen bonds are the major interactions responsible for the prominent binding of glycyrrhizin with the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex.

 Indirubin exhibit hydrogen bonding interaction SER 985 (chain “C”) of protein along and also characterized by two pi-pi stacked interaction with PHE 741. 
インジルビンは、タンパク質のSER 985(鎖 "C")と水素結合相互作用を示し、PHE 741との2つのπ-πスタック相互作用も特徴的である。
The binding of bicylogermacrene with SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex is accompanied by the presence of three pi-alkyl interactions with LEU 983, two with PHE 952, and one with TYR 738. 
ビシロゲルマクレンとSARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体との結合は、LEU 983との3つのπ-アルキル相互作用、PHE 952との2つの相互作用、およびTYR 738との1つの相互作用の存在を伴っている。
A promising binding of curcumin with the protein was accomplished, which was attributed by four hydrogen bonds specifically with GLN 744, GLN 947, SER 985, and GLY 981. 
クルクミンとタンパク質との結合は、GLN 744、GLN 947、SER 985、GLY 981との4つの水素結合によってもたらされた。
A pi- sigma interaction was also encountered with PHE 741. 
また、PHE 741ともπシグマ相互作用が見られた。
Hesperetin was investigated as a potential inhibitor of the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex as it involves four hydrogen-bonding interactions with ARG 977, TYR 738, GLN 947, and GLN 984. A pi-alkyl interaction was also observed with PHE 741 of chain “A”.  
ヘスペレチンは、ARG 977、TYR 738、GLN 947、およびGLN 984と4つの水素結合相互作用を持つことから、SARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体の潜在的阻害剤として研究された。π-アルキル相互作用も鎖 "A "のPHE 741と観察された。
The binding of rhein with the protein was encountered with three hydrogen bonds with ARG 977 (chain “B”), ARG 977 (chain “C”), and THR 980. 
レインとタンパク質との結合は、ARG 977(鎖 "B")、ARG 977(鎖 "C")およびTHR 980との3つの水素結合で遭遇した。
A pi-sigma interaction with THR 980 and an amide-pi stacked interaction with ASP 976 was also observed. 
Docking revealed the binding interaction of berberine with SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex accompanied by hydrogen bonding with GLN 947 residue and also associated by pi-alkyl interaction with PHE 952 of “C” chain and PHE 741 of “A” chain.
ドッキングの結果、ベルベリンとSARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体との結合は、GLN 947残基との水素結合を伴っており、また "C "鎖のPHE 952および "A "鎖のPHE 741とのπ-アルキル相互作用が関連していることが明らかになった。

 Crysophanic acid shows binding hydrogen bonding with ARG 982 and THR 559, followed by pi-pi T-shaped interaction with PHE 558, pi-alkyl interactions with PHE 837, VAL 958, respectively. 
Crysophanic acidは、ARG 982およびTHR 559と結合水素結合を示し、続いてPHE 558とπ-πT字型相互作用、PHE 837およびVAL 958とπ-アルキル相互作用をそれぞれ示す。
The binding of β-caryophyllene was primarily characterized by pi-alkyl interactions with LEU 983, PHE 741, PHE 952, TYR 738, and van der Waals interaction with THR 980, GLN 984(chain “C”), GLN 984 (chain “A”), GLN 987, GLN 947, SER 985 and GLY 98. 
β-カリオフィレンの結合は、主にLEU 983、PHE 741、PHE 952、TYR 738とのπ-アルキル相互作用、およびTHR 980、GLN 984(鎖 "C")、GLN 984(鎖 "A")、GLN 987、GLN 947、SER 985、GLY 98とのファンデルワールス相互作用によって特徴付けられた。
Eugenol was observed to exhibit binding with protein by pi-sigma interaction with PHE 741, carbon-hydrogen bonding interaction with 952, and pi-alkyl interactions with GLN 987. 
オイゲノールは、PHE 741とのπ-シグマ相互作用、952との炭素-水素結合相互作用、GLN 987とのπ-アルキル相互作用によってタンパク質との結合を示すことが観察された。
Thus, the inhibitory activity of investigated natural products was attributed to a variety of interactions with the target protein. 

Table 2. Structure of natural products under investigation and their interactions with the amino acid residues and affinity in terms of kcal/mol. 

表2. 調査中の天然物の構造とアミノ酸残基との相互作用、および親和性(kcal/mol)。

4. Conclusions

Since ACE2 is recognized as a promising target against COVID-19, we have screened several natural compounds that may exhibit anti-COVID-19 activity by targeting SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex. 
ACE2 は COVID-19 に対する有望な標的として認識されていることから、SARS スパイク糖タンパク質-ヒト ACE2 複合体を標的として抗 COVID-19 活性を示す可能性のある天然化合物をスクリーニングした。
After examination of the investigated natural compounds by molecular docking, we have encountered several molecules that exhibited potential in-silico inhibitory activity towards SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex, including indigo blue, glycyrrhizin, β-sitosterol, indirubin, bicylogermacrene, curcumin, hesperetin, rhein, berberine with an affinity of -11.2, -10.9. -10.1, -9.8, -9.5, -9.3, -9.2, -9.1 and -9.0 kcal/mol respectively.
分子ドッキングにより検討した結果、インジゴブルー、グリチルリチン、β-シトステロール、インジルビン、ビシロゲルマクレン、クルクミン、ヘスペレチン、レイン、ベルベリン、-11.2、-10.9. -10.1、-9.8、-9.5、-9.3、-9.2、-9.1および-9.0 kcal/molであった。
Thus, the molecular docking study evidenced the inhibition of the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex by the investigated natural candidates, which provides a foundation to invite the researchers to explore their in vivo anti-COVID 19 activity. 
このように、分子ドッキング研究は、調査した天然候補物質がSARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体を阻害することを証明し、研究者にin vivo抗COVID 19活性を探索するための基盤を提供した。








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