
天然物 インシリコ : コロナ、コロナ爆沈の治療薬になり得るか (上) Abstruct Introduction

ブログ総もくじ   伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト  Coロナ関連記事目次  今、電子カルテがあぶない   個人情報談義 目次 

Natural Product Emerging as Potential SARS Spike Glycoproteins-ACE2 Inhibitors to Combat COVID-19 Attributed by In-Silico Investigations 


COVID-19 is a pandemic infectious disorder that emerged as a major outbreak for the community and health care system across the globe.
 Since the currently available drug therapeutics available for COVID-19 are prone to provide symptomatic and supportive relief, which has invited the entire scientist of all over the nations to investigate therapeutic drug candidates accompanied by anti- COVID-19 activity. 
The recognition of ACE2 mediated entry of SARS-CoV-2 encouraged us to investigate natural products as a potential inhibitor of the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex. 
Using the strategy of molecular docking, we have assessed berberine, indigo blue, β-sitosterol, glycyrrhizin, indirubin, hesperetin, bicylogermacrene, β-caryophyllene, chrysophanic acid, rhein, curcumin, and eugenol for their inhibitory activity towards SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex. 
We have investigated including indigo blue, glycyrrhizin, β-sitosterol, indirubin, bicylogermacrene, curcumin, hesperetin, rhein, berberine with an affinity of -11.2, -10.9. -10.1, -9.8, - 9.5, -9.3, -9.2, -9.1 and -9.0 kcal/mol respectively as in silico inhibitors of SARS spike glycoprotein


- Human ACE2 complex which can vitalize the researchers for in-vivo assessment of these natural products.

-また、SARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体のインシリコ阻害剤として、それぞれ-10.1、-9.8、-9.5、-9.3、-9.2、-9.1および-9.0 kcal/molの親和性を示した。


1. Introduction

A modern coronavirus strain was investigated in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, which was formerly referred to as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [1]. 



The Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) promulgates an unanticipated outbreak on January 30th, 2020, emerging as Public Health Emergencies of International Concern[2]. 



A disease of global health concern has transpired and designated as COVID-19 by World Health Organization (WHO) [3]. 



Till October 10th 2020, about 36,361,054 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide, accompanying about 1,056,186 death have been reported [4].



Since COVID-19 is proliferating expeditiously around all over the world, it is inviting investigators and scientists worldwide to investigate potential drug candidates to confront the emergency of COVID-19.


Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy Malkapur, (MS), 443101, India Department of Medicinal Chemistry, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Raebareli, Lucknow (UP), 226002, India
Department of Pharmacology, Shri. R. D. Bhakta College of Pharmacy, Jalan, (MS), 431203, India

Department of Pharmacology, R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur 425405 (MS), India * Correspondence: ramcheke23@gmail.com;

Scopus Author ID 57217195609

Received: 10.10.2020; Revised: 3.11.2020; Accepted: 4.11.2020; Published: 7.11.2020




The current therapy for COVID-19 lacking specificity and they are used as supportive [2]. 


Several studies investigated ritonavir, lopinavir, umifenovir, lamivudine, tenofovir, and remdesivir as potential drug candidates to treat COVID-19[5]. 


(筆者:レミデシビルかよ 笑)

Since some of the investigators reported ACE2 mediated entry of coronavirus [6], angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) is recognized as a potential target [79], which put forward the various proposals to develop therapeutic drug candidate against COVID-19. 



Natural products are widely recognized as promising therapeutic candidates against a variety of viral infections [10]. 

天然物は、様々なウイルス感染に対する有望な治療候補として広く認識されている [10] 。


Natural products are acquired from different parts of the plant, including stem, roots, seed, barks, food, and flower, along with nutraceuticals based on natural products infectious and non-infectious ailments [1113]. 



There are many investigations that are being carried out, which revealed the safety of natural products [14] and plant-derived products as potential therapeutics against a variety of viral infections [15]. 

様々なウイルス感染症に対する治療薬としての天然物 [14] や植物由来製品の安全性が明らかにされ、多くの研究が行われている [15] 。


ACE2 is recognized as a cell surface receptor for entry of SARS-CoV [16], which is considered a prominent target for the development of new therapeutics. 

ACE2は、SARS-CoVが侵入する際の細胞表面受容体として認識されており [16]、新たな治療薬開発の有力なターゲットと考えられている。 


Since we have demonstrated the in-silico activity of some potential drug candidates against COVID-19 [17], in this study, we have demonstrated SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 inhibitory activity of potential natural products with the aid of molecular docking tool. 



We have investigated several natural products, including berberine, indigo blue, β-sitosterol, glycyrrhizin, indirubin, hesperetin, bicylogermacrene, β- caryophyllene, chrysophanic acid, rhein, curcumin, and showing SARS spike glycoprotein- Human ACE2 inhibitory activity. 



In this study, we have investigated potential natural compounds acting as inhibitors of SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex by employing in silico studies, including molecular docking. 

本研究では、SARSスパイク糖タンパク質-ヒトACE2複合体の阻害剤として作用する可能性のある天然化合物について、分子ドッキングを含むin silico研究を用いて検討した。 

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Analysis of active sites. 

2.1. 活性部位の解析

The active amino acid residues that may be attributed to interaction with the ligands are determined by predicting the active sites of SARS pike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex using Biovia Discovery Studio [18]. 

リガンドとの相互作用に起因すると考えられる活性アミノ酸残基は、Biovia Discovery Studio [18] を用いて SARS pike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 複合体の活性部位を予測することにより決定した。


The protein is selected as surface, and the active sites are predicted in association with hydrogen bond donor and acceptor region with specific amino acid residues. 



The active sites are used in the subsequent stage of fixing the grid box so as to select the actives site for docking with the ligands. 

活性部位は、リガンドとドッキングするための活性部 位を選択するために、グリッドボックスを固定する後続 の段階で使用される。

2.2. Docking experiment. 

2.2. ドッキング実験。

The structure of the SARS spike glycoprotein-Human ACE2 complex[19] (PDB ID: 6CS2) was obtained in PDB format from protein data bank (http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do). 

SARS スパイク糖タンパク質-ヒト ACE2 複合体[19] (PDB ID: 6CS2)の構造は、プロテインデータバンク (http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do)から PDB 形式で入手した。  

 The 2-dimensional structures of ligands in SDF format was acquired from PubChem database including berberine (CID: 2353) [20], indigo blue(CID: 10215) [21], indirubin (CID: 10177) [22], β-sitosterol (CID: 222284) [23], glycyrrhizin (CID:128229) [24], hesperetin (CID: 72281) [25], bicylogermacrene (CID: 13894537) [26], β-caryophyllene (CID: 5281515) [27], chrysophanic acid (CID: 10208) [28], rhein (CID: 10168) [29], curcumin (CID: 969516) [30] and eugenol [31].

SDF 形式のリガンドの 2 次元構造は PubChem データベースから取得した。PubChem データベースには、berberine (CID: 2353) [20], indigo blue(CID: 10215) [21], indirubin (CID: 10177) [22], β-sitosterol (CID: 222284) [23], glycyrrhizin (CID: 128229)[24]、ヘスペレチン(CID:72281)[25]、ビシロゲルマクレン(CID:13894537)[26]、β-カリオフィレン(CID:5281515)[27]、クリソファン酸(CID:10208)[28]、レイン(CID:10168)[29]、クルクミン(CID:969516)[30]およびオイゲノール[31]。


 The docking experiments were accomplished by AutoDock Vina 1.0, using 8 as an exhaustiveness value[32].
 ドッキング実験は、AutoDock Vina 1.0を使用し、排他性の値として 8を使用した[32]。


The ligands were geometrically and energetically stabilized by performing steps of energy minimization in the Vega ZZ tool [33] by conjugate gradient method selecting Vina as 

リガンドは、Vega ZZ ツール [33] で Vina を選択し、共役勾配法 [33] でエネルギー最小化のステップを実行することで、幾何学的およびエネルギー的に安定化させた。

a force field and gasteiger charges and genetic algorithm method. 



The simulations and visualization of docking outputs were performed in Discovery Studio 2020 and Pymol [34]. 

シミュレーションとドッキング出力の視覚化は、Discovery Studio 2020とPymol[34]を用いて行った。



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