
2. 特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

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2. Characteristics of the Unusual IgG4 Antibody

2. 特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

Several immunoglobulin classes and subclasses that constitute the antibody immune arsenal, including IgA, IgE, IgM, and IgG, are essentially identified by the structure of their heavy chain constant region. 
ar・se・nal | ɑ́ːrs(ə)n(ə)l | 名詞C1 兵器[軍事品]の蓄え. 2 兵器(倉)庫, 兵器廠しょう; 兵器工場. 3 〖通例単数形で〗(一般に)蓄え, 在庫; (研究などの)集積.
Human immunoglobulins G (IgG) are divided into four subcategories based on the immunogenicity of their heavy chains (IgGl, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4) [32,33,34]. 
Immunoglobulin subclasses differ in their basic physiologic regulation, localization throughout the organism, and engagement with receptors on immune system effector cells [35]. 
免疫グロブリンのサブクラスは、その基本的な生理学的調節、生体全体への局在化、免疫系エフェクター細胞上の受容体との関与において異なっている [35] 。
 IgG4, the less prevalent subclass, is found in serum at mean values of 0.35–0.51 mg/mL [36], while the levels of IgG1, the most prevalent subclass, fluctuate between 5 and 12 mg/mL [37].
最も一般的なサブクラスであるIgG1の濃度が5~12mg/mLの間で変動しているのに対して、あまり一般的でないサブクラスであるIgG4は、血清中に0.35~0.51mg/mLの平均値で存在する [36]。
 Due to its unusual biological characteristics and deficiency of effector functions, such as the ability to destroy infected cells through the activation of the complement system or using antibodies, IgG4 has been referred to as an unusual antibody by not adhering to the accepted theory of antibody structure and function [38,39].

The mechanism behind the reaction involving the replacement of one half of an antibody with another, also known as Fab arm exchange and specific to IgG4 antibodies, has been elucidated over the past twenty years [40]. 
 The heavy chains can dissociate and then recombine arbitrarily due to the enhanced propensity of the natural IgG4 joint disulfide bonds to reduction, resulting in a heterogeneous group of IgG4 molecules with random heavy-chain and light-chain couples (Figure 1) [40].

Figure 1. IgG4 antibody has a distinctive structure.
図1. IgG4抗体は特徴的な構造を持つ。
(A). Two heavy chains and two light chains make up the IgG4 antibody. 
(A). IgG4抗体を構成する2本の重鎖と2本の軽鎖。
(B). The Fc fragment of one IgG4 molecule can react with the Fc fragment of another. 
(B). あるIgG4分子のFcフラグメントは、別のIgG4分子のFcフラグメントと反応することができる。
(C). When half-molecules are exchanged (called a Fab-arm interchange), IgG4 combines two distinct specificities into a unique molecule (bispecific antibody). 
 (C). 半分子が交換されると(Fab-アーム交換と呼ばれる)、IgG4は2つの異なる特異性をユニークな分子に結合する(二重特異性抗体)。
Reproduced from [41]. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 
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The majority of IgG4 molecules will have two distinct Fab arms because of the half-antibody exchange, making them “bi-specific” and operationally univalent for a particular antigen. 
As a result, far from the other IgG subclasses, IgG4 antibodies in circulation are unable to form immunological complexes with antigens. 

 IgG4 antibodies have a limited theoretical potential for immunological activation due to their weak affinity for C1q and Fc receptors. 

The production of immune complexes stimulates the complement system and the action of immune effector cells. 

Furthermore, IgG4 antibodies may be able to block the inflammatory effects of IgG1 or IgE antibodies by dislodging the binding of those with comparable specificities. 
The anti-inflammatory characteristic may offer insight into another important fact that IgG4 antibodies are typically formed after prolonged contact with an allergen, hence reducing the level of chronic inflammation [28].

The designation “IgG4-related systemic disease” refers to several clinical manifestations that were formerly thought to be completely distinct diseases. 
The list of organs linked to this illness is continuously expanding. 

Regardless of the organ involved, tissue biopsies show significant histological similarities. 
However, there are slight variations between organs as well. 
The hallmark pathology findings include widespread fibrosis, numerous IgG4-positive plasma cells, and disperse lympho-plasmacytoid infiltrates [42].
特徴的な病理所見には、広範な線維化、多数のIgG4陽性形質細胞、および分散したリンパ形質細胞浸潤が含まれる [42]。

2.1. IgG4: A Protective or Pathogenic Antibody?

2.1. IgG4:防御抗体か病原性抗体か?

IgG4′s reputation as a “blocking antibody” stems from its diminished capacity to elicit immune system effector reactions [43,44]. 
IgG4が「ブロッキング抗体」であるという評判は、免疫系のエフェクター反応を引き起こす能力が低下していることに由来する [43,44] 。
This implies that there will only be a minimal immune response when IgG4 interacts with molecules [45]. 
このことは、IgG4が分子と相互作用しても、最小限の免疫反応しか起こらないことを意味している [45]。
 An IgG4 response can be either pathogenic or protective, depending on the situation. 
For instance, IgG4 is frequently referred to as a safeguarding blocking antibody because it can suppress or halt inflammation by competing with inflammatory IgE for antigen binding in the case of allergies and infections with helminth and filarial parasites. 
In contrast, IgG4 can lead to serious illness in several autoimmune disorders [46] as well as cancer [47,48]. 
Its bi-functionality will be thoroughly examined in the next subsections.

2.1.1. Protective Role of IgG4 in Allergy Immunotherapy

2.1.1. アレルギー免疫療法におけるIgG4の保護的役割

IgG4′s lack of effector action and the phenomena of half-antibody interchange create complicated considerations about whether these antibodies are harmful or whether they act as a counter-regulatory reaction to an enduring immunologic illness [40]. 
IgG4のエフェクター作用の欠如と半抗体の交換現象は、これらの抗体が有害であるのか、あるいは永続的な免疫学的疾患に対するカウンターレギュラトリー反応として作用するのかについて、複雑な考察を生む [40] 。
High concentrations of antigen-specific IgG4 are linked to satisfactory results in allergen-specific immunotherapy by inhibiting immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated effects (Figure 2), according to published studies [49,50]. 
 In various aspects, developing a tolerance to allergens is an essential step in the development of a strong immune system. 
Hence, to develop prolonged desensitization against allergens, pathways involving modified allergen-specific memory T- and B-cell responses that lead to immunological tolerance are utilized [50,51,52].
したがって、アレルゲンに対する減感作を長期化させるためには、免疫学的寛容につながるアレルゲン特異的なメモリーT細胞およびB細胞応答の改変を伴う経路が利用される [50,51,52]。
Figure 2. In (A), a pollen grain is recognized through the fragment antigen-binding region (Fab) of an IgE antibody. 
図2. A)では、IgE抗体のフラグメント抗原結合領域(Fab)を介して花粉粒が認識される。
After that, the IgE attaches to its receptor, called Fc epsilon RI (FcεRI), located on eosinophil leukocytes, and induces histamine release from cytoplasmic granules. 
Histamine is a vasoactive peptide that causes symptoms such as itching, sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, eyes, and ears, and trouble breathing during a pollen-induced allergic reaction. 
In (B), the fragment cristalizable (Fc) region of an IgG4 antibody binds to the Fc region of an IgE antibody, inhibiting its binding to the FcεRI receptor and thus blocking IgE-mediated effects. 
Created with Biorender. 



IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

繰り返されるワクチン接種により産生されるIgG4はSARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteinに対する免疫寛容を誘起する可能性がある



2. Characteristics of the Unusual IgG4 Antibody2.   特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

2.1.2. IgG4-Related Disease and Its Pathogenesis   2.1.2. IgG4関連疾患とその病態

IgG4 Role in Cancer  癌におけるIgG4の役割

3. The Role of IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Different Vaccines     3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

3.2. Repeated Vaccination    3.2. 反復接種
3.2.1. Repeated Inoculation with COVID-19 Vaccines    3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種

3.2.2. Repeated Inoculation with HIV Vaccines   (3.2.2. HIVワクチンの反復接種)



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