
4. Discussion

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4. Discussion

Recent studies have raised concerns that inoculation with mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines might result in the establishment of tolerance against the spike protein generated by host cells in response to vaccination. 
For example, a recent work by Irrgang et al. discovered that several months after the second immunization with the Pfizer vaccine, SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies were mainly composed of non-neutralizing IgG4 antibodies, which were enhanced even more by a third mRNA vaccination and/or SARS-CoV-2 variant breakthrough infections [30]. 
 The authors commented that “independent of the underlying mechanism, the induction of antiviral IgG4 antibodies is a phenomenon infrequently described and raises important questions about its functional consequences” [30]. 
IgG4 antibodies are bi-functional: they can be protective but can also be directly pathogenic [127]. 
IgG4抗体は二重機能性であり、防御的であるが、直接病原性を示すこともある [127] 。
 There has been a lot of research on IgG4 in chronic allergen exposure models, where natural immunological tolerance is induced by giving an allergen in increasing doses [128]. 
 慢性アレルゲン暴露モデルにおけるIgG4に関する研究は数多く行われており、アレルゲンの投与量を増やすことで自然免疫寛容が誘導される [128] 。
 The increase in IgG4 levels after the third immunization with the Pfizer vaccine could reflect a tolerance mechanism that could prevent immune over-reactivity (cytokine storm) and progression to a critical stage [30]. 
ファイザーワクチンによる3回目の免疫後のIgG4レベルの上昇は、免疫の過剰反応(サイトカインストーム)と臨界期への進行を防ぐ寛容メカニズムを反映している可能性がある [30] 。
However, this exacerbated immune reaction does not occur in young and healthy people, and it has been documented only in older patients with genetic susceptibility and those with comorbidities [129].
しかし、このような免疫反応の増悪は、若くて健康な人では起こらず、遺伝的感受性のある高齢の患者や併存疾患のある患者でのみ報告されている [129] 。
It has been suggested that an increase in IgG4 levels could have a protective role similar to that occurring during successful allergen-specific immunotherapy by inhibiting IgE-induced effects [30]. 
IgG4レベルの上昇は、IgE誘発作用を抑制することにより、アレルゲン特異的免疫療法の成功時に起こるのと同様の保護的役割を果たす可能性が示唆されている [30] 。
 Allergen tolerance is an immune system adaptation characterized by a particular non-inflammatory response to an allergen that, under other conditions, would probably result in cell-mediated or humoral immunity, which would cause tissue inflammation and/or IgE synthesis [128]. 
アレルゲン寛容とは、アレルゲンに対する特定の非炎症性反応を特徴とする免疫系の適応であり、他の条件下では、おそらく細胞媒介性免疫または体液性免疫が生じ、組織の炎症および/またはIgEの合成を引き起こすであろう [128] 。
 In other words, the immune system “learns” to tolerate a foreign, although innocuous, antigen. 
However, a very different situation occurs when a virus invades our body. 
In this scenario, vaccine-induced tolerance can potentially have several negative, unintended consequences because tolerance to the spike protein could inhibit the immune system from detecting and attacking the pathogen (Figure 4); 

 thus, potentially exacerbating SARS-CoV2 pathology in susceptible individuals who suffer re-infection of COVID-19 in the setting of vaccine-induced immune suppression. 
For example, it was demonstrated that patients with severe COVID-19 who passed away had higher IgG4 levels than those who recovered [28]. 
More precisely, the death rate increased noticeably at 30 days when serum IgG4 concentrations were above 700 mg/dL, and the ratio of IgG4 to IgG1 was above 0.05 [29]. 

Moreover, IgG4 levels were correlated with IL-6 levels [130], a known determinant of COVID-19-related mortality [130,131,132].
Figure 4. An effective humoral response induced by vaccination consists of the synthesis of high IgG3 concentrations. 
図4. ワクチン接種によって誘導される効果的な体液性応答は、高濃度のIgG3の合成からなる。
(A). IgG3 antibodies attach to viral antigens exposed on infected cells’ membranes through its variable region.
(A). IgG3抗体は、その可変領域を介して感染細胞膜上に露出したウイルス抗原に結合する。 
This antibody has a constant region (Fc) that is recognized by the corresponding receptor found on cytotoxic T cells and other immune cells. 
The cytotoxic T cell becomes activated and releases chemical agents that destroy the infected cell. 
(B). Repeated vaccination induces high IgG4 levels (depicted in red). 
(B). ワクチン接種を繰り返すと、高いIgG4レベルが誘導される(赤で描かれている)。
This antibody inhibits the attachment of the Fc region from the IgG3 antibody to its receptor located on cytotoxic T cells, thus blocking its activation, and consequently, the infected cell is not destroyed. 
In this sense, repeated boosting causes a switch to the production of high IgG4 levels, which impair immune responses. 
Created with Biorender. 
This leads us to conclude that it is incorrect to compare the increase in IgG4 levels between allergy treatments and the reported increase in IgG4 antibodies after repeated vaccination or infection with SARS-CoV-2. 
The induced tolerance against the spike protein could produce an impaired immune response against the virus when these patients suffer a re-infection. 
Although the new Omicron subvariants have a high rate of transmissibility, the severity of infections has fortunately been reduced as a result of a change in affinity towards the upper respiratory tract [27,133,134,135]. 
新しいオミクロン亜型は感染率が高いが、上気道への親和性が変化した結果、幸いにも感染の重症度は低下した [27,133,134,135]。
These findings may explain why Omicron infections caused fewer severe effects [136,137]. 
これらの知見は、オミクロン感染症による重篤な影響が少なかった理由を説明しているかもしれない [136,137]。
However, without an adequate protection level, even the new Omicron sub-variants (considered as mild) could cause severe multi-organ damage and death in immuno-compromised individuals and those with comorbidities.
A study by Gazit et al. found that when the initial event (infection or vaccination) happened during January and February of 2021, SARS-CoV-2-naive vaccinees exhibited a 13.06-fold (95% confidence interval (CI), 8.08–21.11) greater risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to the unvaccinated-previously-infected persons. 
The increased risk for symptomatic illness was also substantial. 
Evidence of waning naturally generated immunity was shown when the infection happened at any point between March 2020 and February 2021, albeit SARS-CoV-2 naive vaccinees still had a 5.96-fold (95% CI: 4.85–7.33) higher risk of breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI: 5.51–9.21) higher risk of symptomatic disease. 
This research also showed that immunity acquired through natural disease provides better protection against infection and disease symptoms caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 than the immunity provided by two injections with the BNT162b2 vaccine [138].
Even the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide against severe symptoms and hospitalization is now being questioned following an outbreak in an Israeli hospital that resulted in the deaths of five individuals (all with comorbidities) who were fully immunized [138]. 
 This study casts some doubt on the notion that widespread immunization will produce herd immunity and stop COVID-19 outbreaks. 
This may have been true for the SARS-CoV-2 wild-type virus, but in the outbreak that is the subject of the cited study, 96.2% of those who were exposed received full vaccinations [139].
これはSARS-CoV-2野生型ウイルスでも同様であったかもしれないが、引用した研究の対象であるアウトブレイクでは、曝露された患者の96.2%が完全予防接種を受けていた [139] 。
 Similarly, Brosh-Nissimov et al. reported that among 17 Israeli hospitals, 34/152 (22%) fully immunized patients passed away from COVID-19. 
Noticeably, these individuals had a high prevalence of co-morbid disorders, such as congestive heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, high blood pressure, diabetes, and lung disorders, that made them more vulnerable to developing severe COVID-19 [140].
Irrgang et al. [30] reported that it takes months for the IgG4 class switch to develop. 
Irrgangら [30]は、IgG4クラススイッチの発現には数ヵ月かかると報告している。
Could this increase in IgG4 levels explain the reduced efficacy of mRNA vaccines detected after 6 months [141]? 
このIgG4レベルの増加は、6ヵ月後に検出されたmRNAワクチンの有効性の低下を説明できるだろうか [141] 。
Based on findings from the HIV trial [113], where decreased vaccine efficacy was linked to IgG4 production, we conclude that repeated mRNA vaccination is also correlated with reduced efficacy in protecting people from re-infection due to an increase in IgG4 levels. 
There is now compelling evidence that, among COVID-19 vaccines, only the mRNA vaccines (but not the adenoviral vector-based vaccine from AstraZeneca) induced a remarkable increase in IgG4 levels, and such an increase was detected in SARS-CoV-2 uninfected individuals who received mRNA vaccinations before becoming infected with the virus, whereas for patients who had a previous infection before vaccination, IgG4 levels did not rise [31]. 
 This is in contrast with findings from another study showing that the highest IgG4 levels were found in those individuals who developed a breakthrough infection after receiving three doses of mRNA vaccination, indicating that SARS-CoV-2 infections can also induce IgG4 production [30]. 

We suggest more research is needed for a definitive conclusion about these different results.
The HIV [113] and malaria trials [115], and studies with the Pertussis vaccine informed us that repeated vaccination was linked to reduced protection from infection, and this poor response was directly related to a higher IgG4 production. 
HIV [113]やマラリア [115]の試験、百日咳ワクチンの研究から、ワクチン接種を繰り返すと感染防御が低下し、この反応不良がIgG4産生の増加と直接関係していることがわかった。
Moreover, it was suggested that this class switch might contribute to breakthrough infections due to impaired fc-mediated antiviral responses [113]. 
 All in all, reviewed data indicate that IgG4 production induced by repeated vaccination does not in any way constitute a protective mechanism. 
There are also warning signs in recent literature that indicate the cellular immune response induced by the typical vaccination course may be severely compromised by repeated administration of the same booster shot or infection following vaccination, which, in combination with impaired antibody immune responses, may cause recipients’ symptoms to worsen or their disease to last longer. 
Excessive vaccination is likely to create an immunosuppressive microenvironment that is crucial for promoting immunological tolerance. 
These findings show that repeated SARS-CoV-2 booster immunization in dense populations should be approached with caution [112].
We propose a hypothetical immune tolerance mechanism induced by mRNA vaccines, which could have at least six negative unintended consequences:
(1) By ignoring the spike protein synthesized as a consequence of vaccination, the host immune system may become vulnerable to re-infection with the new Omicron subvariants, allowing for free replication of the virus once a re-infection takes place.
(1) ワクチン接種の結果として合成されたスパイクタンパク質を無視することで、宿主の免疫系は新しいオミクロン亜種への再感染に対して脆弱になり、再感染が起こるとウイルスが自由に複製できるようになる可能性がある。
 In this situation, we suggest that even these less pathogenic Omicron subvariants could cause significant harm and even death in individuals with comorbidities and immuno-compromised conditions.
(2) mRNA and inactivated vaccines temporally impair interferon signaling [142,143], possibly causing immune suppression and leaving the individual in a vulnerable situation against any other pathogen. 
(2)mRNAや不活化ワクチンは、インターフェロンシグナル伝達を一時的に阻害する [142,143]。
In addition, this immune suppression could allow the re-activation of latent viral, bacterial, or fungal infections and might also allow the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells [144].
(3) A tolerant immune system might allow SARS-CoV-2 persistence in the host and promote the establishment of a chronic infection, similar to that generated by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), and the hepatitis C virus (HCV) [145].
(4) The combined immune suppression (produced by SARS-CoV-2 infection [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22] and further enhanced by vaccination [142,143,144]) could explain a plethora of autoimmune conditions, such as cancers, re-infections, and deaths temporally associated with both. 
(4)複合的な免疫抑制(SARS-CoV-2感染 [15, 16,17, 18,19, 20,21,22] によって生じ、ワクチン接種 [142,143,144] によってさらに増強される)は、がん、再感染、両者に一時的に関連した死亡などの自己免疫疾患の多さを説明しうる。
It is conceivable that the excess deaths reported in several highly COVID-19-vaccinated countries may be explained, in part, by this combined immunosuppressive effect.
(5) Repeated vaccination could also lead to auto-immunity: in 2009, the results of an important study went largely unnoticed. 

Researchers discovered that in mice that are otherwise not susceptible to spontaneous autoimmune disorders, repeated administration of the antigen promotes systemic autoimmunity.

 The development of CD4+ T cells that can induce autoantibodies (autoantibody-inducing CD4+ T cells, or aiCD4+ T cells), which had their T cell receptors (TCR) modified, was triggered by excessive stimulation of CD4+ T cells. 
T細胞受容体(TCR)を改変された自己抗体を誘導しうるCD4+ T細胞(自己抗体誘導CD4+ T細胞、aiCD4+ T細胞)の発生は、CD4+ T細胞の過剰刺激によって引き起こされた。
The aiCD4+ T cell was generated by new genetic TCR modification rather than a cross-reaction. 
The excessively stimulated CD8+ T cells induced them to develop into cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that are specific for an antigen. 
過剰に刺激されたCD8+ T細胞は、抗原に特異的な細胞傷害性Tリンパ球(CTL)へと発達するように誘導された。
These CTLs were able to mature further by antigen cross-presentation, so in that situation, they induced autoimmune tissue damage resembling systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [146]. 
 According to the self-organized criticality theory, when the immune system of the host is continually overstimulated by antigen exposure at concentrations higher than the immune system’s self-organized criticality can tolerate, systemic autoimmunity inevitably occurs [147].
It has been proposed that the amount and duration of the spike protein produced are presumably affected by the higher mRNA concentrations in the mRNA-1273 vaccine (100 µg) compared to the BNT162b2 vaccine (30 µg) [31]. 
 Thus, it is probable that the spike protein produced in response to mRNA vaccination is too high and lasts too long in the body. 
That could overwhelm the capacity of the immune system, leading to autoimmunity [146,147]. 
その結果、免疫系の能力が過剰になり、自己免疫につながる可能性がある [146,147]。
 Indeed, several investigations have found that COVID-19 immunization is associated with the development of autoimmune responses [148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166].
実際、いくつかの調査で、COVID-19の免疫化が自己免疫反応の発現と関連していることが判明している[148,149, 150,151, 152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160, 161, 162,163,164,165,166]。
(6) Increased IgG4 levels induced by repeated vaccination could lead to autoimmune myocarditis; it has been suggested that IgG4 antibodies can also cause an autoimmune reaction by impeding the immune system’s ability to be suppressed by regulatory T cells [102]. 
(6) ワクチン接種の繰り返しによって誘発されるIgG4レベルの上昇は、自己免疫性心筋炎を引き起こす可能性がある。IgG4抗体は、制御性T細胞によって抑制される免疫系の能力を阻害することによっても、自己免疫反応を引き起こす可能性が示唆されている[102]。
Patients using immune checkpoint inhibitors alone or in combination have been linked to occurrences of acute myocarditis [103,104,105,106,107], sometimes with lethal consequences [102]. 
免疫チェックポイント阻害薬を単独または併用した患者は、急性心筋炎を発症し [103,104,105,106,107] 、時には致死的な結果をもたらすことがある [102] 。

 As anti-PD-1 antibodies are class IgG4, and these antibodies are also induced by repeated vaccination, it is plausible to suggest that excessive vaccination could be associated with the occurrence of an increased number of myocarditis cases and sudden cardiac deaths.
Finally, these negative outcomes are not expected to affect all people who have received these mRNA vaccines. 
Individuals with genetic susceptibility, immune deficiencies, and comorbidities are probably the most likely to be affected. 
However, this gives rise to a disturbing paradox—if people who are the most affected by the COVID-19 disease (the elderly, diabetics, hypertensive, and immunocompromised people like those with HIV) are also more susceptible to suffering the negative effects of repeated mRNA vaccination, is it then justified to booster them? 
As Omicron subvariants have been demonstrated to be less pathogenic [133,134,135,136,137], and mRNA vaccines do not protect against re-infection [14,138], clinicians should be aware of the possible detrimental effects on the immune system by administering boosters. 

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.R.-C. and V.N.U.; validation, A.R.-C., E.M.R., W.M. and V.N.U.; formal analysis, A.R.-C., W.M., E.M.R. and V.N.U.; literature search, A.R.-C., E.M.R. and V.N.U.; data curation, A.R.-C., E.M.R. and V.N.U.; writing—original draft preparation, A.R.-C. and V.N.U.; writing—review and editing, A.R.-C., E.M.R., W.M. and V.N.U.; visualization, A.R.-C.; supervision, A.R.-C. and V.N.U. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.



IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

繰り返されるワクチン接種により産生されるIgG4はSARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteinに対する免疫寛容を誘起する可能性がある



2. Characteristics of the Unusual IgG4 Antibody2.   特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

2.1.2. IgG4-Related Disease and Its Pathogenesis   2.1.2. IgG4関連疾患とその病態

IgG4 Role in Cancer  癌におけるIgG4の役割

3. The Role of IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Different Vaccines     3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

3.2. Repeated Vaccination    3.2. 反復接種
3.2.1. Repeated Inoculation with COVID-19 Vaccines    3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種

3.2.2. Repeated Inoculation with HIV Vaccines   (3.2.2. HIVワクチンの反復接種)


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