
3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

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3. The Role of IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Different Vaccines

3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

An extensive review of the literature showed that mRNA vaccines are not the only ones that induce IgG4 antibody production. 
The HIV, Malaria, and Pertussis vaccines also elicited such a response. 
Overall, there are three critical factors determining the class switch to IgG4 antibodies: excessive antigen concentration, repeated vaccination, and the type of vaccine used.

3.1. Excessive Antigen Concentration in Vaccines

3.1. ワクチンの過剰な抗原濃度

Compared to BNT162b2, the mRNA-1273 vaccine had a greater capability for inducing a prolonged IgG4 response. 
BNT162b2(ファイザー) と比較して、mRNA-1273 ワクチン(モデルナ)は長期間の IgG4 反応を誘導する能力が高かった。
註)モデルナCOVID-19ワクチン(モデルナコビッド19ワクチン、コードネーム: mRNA-1273、販売名: スパイクバックス筋注[注 1])は、アメリカ国立アレルギー・感染症研究所 (NIAID) 、アメリカ生物医学先端研究開発局 (BARDA) 、及びモデルナにより開発されたCOVID-19ワクチン筋肉内注射により4週間開けて2回に分けて0.5mLが投与される[10] 
新型コロナワクチンBNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech)
The amount and duration of the spike protein produced are presumably affected by the higher mRNA concentrations in the mRNA-1273 vaccine (100 µg) compared to the BNT162b2 vaccine (30 µg). 
Intriguingly, among the mRNA vaccines, the mRNA-1273 vaccine generated increased anti-S1 serum IgG4 concentrations in COVID-19-uninfected individuals with previously unknown repercussions on pathogen defense. 
Until day 270, uninfected people who received the adenovirus-based vaccine did not exhibit this long-lasting IgG4 response [31].
The problem associated with vaccines designed to be injected with a low antigen concentration is a possible absence of immunological response, and traditionally there has been a strong connection to the “more is better” school of thought that persists, especially for the wide range of infectious diseases for which there are no trustable immune predictors of vaccine-induced protection (human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis C virus (HCV), etc.) [108]. 
A large amount (dose concentration) or repeated immunization with the same antigen (vaccine) tends to induce specific T cell tolerance (peripheral CD4) and subsequently inhibit immune responses [108,109]. 
同じ抗原(ワクチン)を繰り返し免疫すると、特異的T細胞寛容(末梢CD4 (末梢CD4)を誘導し、その後免疫応答を阻害する傾向がある [108,109]。

However, a high antigen dose in primary immunization has been recommended for lytic infections, which is required for both humoral and cellular immunity cooperation, while a low antigen dose is recommended for boosting [110,111]. 
一方、ブースティングには低抗原量が推奨される [110,111]。 
A dose escalation technique is typically employed in clinical phase I vaccine investigations to find the dose that produces the best response.  
 While this makes sense for diseases where there is no known immunological indicator of protection (thus, a robust response is probably superior to no response), the maximum dose that was tolerated and resulted in a positive response has often been adopted for following phase II/III investigations. 

Yet, significant arguments against this approach are supported by several major findings [108]:
しかし、このアプローチに対する重要な反論は、いくつかの主要な知見によって裏付けられている [108]:
(1) When excessive quantities of antigen are injected, it can cause cell death, resulting in the loss of a specific group of T cells; this phenomenon is known as clonal deletion.
(1) 抗原を過剰に注射すると、細胞死を引き起こし、その結果、特定の T細胞群が消失することがある。
(2) Immune tolerance may develop as a result of prolonged antigen exposure.
(2) 長期間の抗原曝露の結果、免疫寛容が生じることがある。

T cells are an essential part of the immune system that detects and removes infections and other foreign objects. 
Yet, these T cells may become desensitized and lose their capacity to react to repeated exposures when they are exposed to large concentrations of antigens, such as during repeated vaccination. 
Immune tolerance is a condition that can also result in the persistence of infections or the emergence of autoimmune diseases.
(3) T cells can undergo a process known as “terminal differentiation” when vaccines are given in high concentrations, at which point they become highly specialized, losing the capacity to divide and proliferate. 
(3) T細胞は、ワクチンが高濃度で投与されると、「終末分化」と呼ばれる過程を経ることがあり、その時点で高度に特殊化し、分裂・増殖能力を失う。
The immune system becomes exhausted as a result and is unable to mount a successful defense against subsequent illnesses. 
This is a problem since it might undermine the protective advantages of vaccinations. 
To balance the advantages of immunological protection and the potential disadvantages of immune exhaustion, it is crucial to carefully determine the ideal dose of vaccines.
免疫学的防御の利点と免疫の疲弊による潜在的な欠点のバランスをとるためには、ワクチンの理想的な投与量を慎重に決定することが重要である。(著者:ワクチンは大きな金になるので時として何回も打たせようとするものである 例えば日本におけるコロナワクチン)
(4) Adverse outcomes are more likely to occur in groups receiving greater doses.
(4) より多くの投与量を受けた群では、有害な転帰が起こりやすい。
(5) The intensity of the reaction between an antigen and a T cell receptor or an antibody is referred to as avidity. 
(5) 抗原とT細胞受容体または抗体との反応の強さをavidityという。
a・vid・i・ty | əvɪ́dəti | 名詞U渇望, 熱意.
The immune response is more effective in identifying and removing the target antigen when avidity is high. 
免疫応答は、avidity が高ければ高いほど、標的抗原の同定と除去に効果的である。
High antigen dosages, however, can result in “immune exhaustion,” a condition where the immune system’s cells become desensitized and unable to mount a successful defense.

Helper T cell and antibody avidity may decline as a consequence, impairing the immunological response to the target antigen. 
To establish a strong and effective immune response, it is crucial to thoroughly assess the ideal antigen dosages utilized in immunotherapy [108].
強力で効果的な免疫反応を確立するためには、免疫療法に用いられる理想的な抗原投与量を徹底的に評価することが極めて重要である [108]。(著者:つまり我が国においてはコロナワクチンをあまりにも多く打たせすぎた。科学的知見に基づかずメーカーも金儲けに貢献しただけであった。国民の健康を犠牲にして、だ)
Billeskov et al. [108] provided proof of cases where lower vaccine antigen doses resulted in more positive responses from T cells, both for quality as judged by several effector capabilities and preventive efficiency in both animal and human experiments, and they presented arguments for the significance of reducing antigen dose for optimum protection in some models. 

They also encouraged experts in T-cell vaccination, in particular, to remember that sometimes, less certainly is more.

 In conclusion, is there a link between antigen dose concentration, repeated exposure, and the induction of IgG4 production? 

Or is the elevated IgG4 concentration associated with COVID-19 vaccination due to genetic predisposition? 

 Because approximately half of the vaccinees showed a substantial increase in IgG4 concentration after the second mRNA inoculation [30], it is evident that such an increase is not caused by a genetic predisposition. 

Moreover, Moderna and Pfizer used the same antigen dose for their primary and booster vaccinations, which contradicts the vaccinology paradigm showing that a low antigen dose is recommended for boosting [110,111].



IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

繰り返されるワクチン接種により産生されるIgG4はSARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteinに対する免疫寛容を誘起する可能性がある



2. Characteristics of the Unusual IgG4 Antibody2.   特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

2.1.2. IgG4-Related Disease and Its Pathogenesis   2.1.2. IgG4関連疾患とその病態

IgG4 Role in Cancer  癌におけるIgG4の役割

3. The Role of IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Different Vaccines     3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

3.2. Repeated Vaccination    3.2. 反復接種
3.2.1. Repeated Inoculation with COVID-19 Vaccines    3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種

3.2.2. Repeated Inoculation with HIV Vaccines   (3.2.2. HIVワクチンの反復接種)



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