
3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種

ブログ総もくじ   伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト  Coロナ関連記事目次  今、電子カルテがあぶない   個人情報談義 目次


3.2. Repeated Vaccination

3.2. 反復接種

3.2.1. Repeated Inoculation with COVID-19 Vaccines

3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種
Researchers have reported that quickly upon the administration of the first two mRNA vaccine doses, the pro-inflammatory subclasses IgG1 and IgG3 dominated the IgG response. 

Nevertheless, a few months following the second Pfizer vaccine shot, spike-specific antibodies were further enhanced by a third mRNA injection and/or new infections caused by the SARS-CoV-2 variant [30]. 
それにもかかわらず、2回目のファイザーワクチン接種から数ヵ月後、スパイク特異的抗体は、3回目のmRNA注射やSARS-CoV-2亜種による新たな感染によってさらに増強された [30]。

Of all IgG antibodies generated against the spike protein, the IgG4 increased the most, steadily from 0.04% immediately after the second vaccination to 19.27% late after the third one.

Such an increase in IgG4 levels was not observed in individuals who received either the same type or a different type of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine based on adenoviral vectors, proving that, in this study, the mRNA Pfizer vaccine was the only one to cause this response. Surprisingly, 7 months after the second inoculation, the IgG4 levels in the serum of approximately half of the vaccinees surpassed the lower limit of detection [30]. 
このようなIgG4の増加は、アデノウイルス・ベクターに基づくSARS-CoV-2ワクチンと同じタイプまたは異なるタイプのワクチンを接種した個体では観察されず、この研究では、mRNAファイザーワクチンだけがこの反応を引き起こしたことが証明された。驚くべきことに、2回目の接種から7ヵ月後、約半数のワクチン接種者の血清中のIgG4レベルが検出下限を超えた [30] 。

To determine if the increase in IgG4 antibody concentration was exclusive to the homologous mRNA vaccination schedule utilized, researchers studied sera from an independent group that evaluated the immune system’s capacity to react to immunization schedules that are similar and different, with the Pfizer and the adenoviral vector-based vaccine from AstraZeneca. 

Anti-spike IgG4 antibodies were again detected in 50% of the sera from the BNT-BNT group five to six months after the second vaccination but in only one of the 51 serum samples from the other two vaccine groups. 

Significantly, following the third booster immunization, a significant rise in IgG4 antibody levels was detected in virtually all vaccine recipients [30].

In this regard, it was recently demonstrated that following the traditional vaccination scheme, the serum-neutralizing effectiveness in mice against the Delta and Omicron variants of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine was dramatically diminished after numerous booster doses [112]. 

Repeated antigen stimulation reportedly caused CD8+ T cells to become exhausted. 
抗原刺激の繰り返しにより、CD8+ T細胞が疲弊したと報告されている。

These boosters also significantly diminished CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses and enhanced programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3) production in these T cells [112]. 
これらのブースターはまた、CD4+およびCD8+ T細胞応答を著しく低下させ、これらのT細胞におけるプログラム細胞死タンパク質1(PD-1)およびリンパ球活性化遺伝子-3(LAG-3)産生を増強した[112]。

Prolonged vaccination decreased the normal development of the germinal center and hindered the generation of memory B cells specific for RBD. 

This research additionally revealed that prolonged RBD vaccine booster immunization increased the concentration of the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 as well as the proportion of CD25+Foxp3+CD4+ Treg cells. 

The conventional SARS-CoV-2 vaccine’s ability to provide immunological protection may be significantly impacted by over-vaccination. 

If this happens, either newly diagnosed COVID-19 cases or people who have already contracted the virus again may have a more severe case of the illness. 

This concept was proposed after seeing tolerance of both the humoral and cellular immune responses to prolonged booster immunization doses [112].



IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

繰り返されるワクチン接種により産生されるIgG4はSARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteinに対する免疫寛容を誘起する可能性がある



2. Characteristics of the Unusual IgG4 Antibody2.   特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

2.1.2. IgG4-Related Disease and Its Pathogenesis   2.1.2. IgG4関連疾患とその病態

IgG4 Role in Cancer  癌におけるIgG4の役割

3. The Role of IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Different Vaccines     3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

3.2. Repeated Vaccination    3.2. 反復接種
3.2.1. Repeated Inoculation with COVID-19 Vaccines    3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種

3.2.2. Repeated Inoculation with HIV Vaccines   (3.2.2. HIVワクチンの反復接種)


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