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IgG4 Role in Cancer


Immune checkpoint inhibitors, often known as cancer immunotherapy agents, prevent checkpoint proteins from attaching with their associated polypeptides, allowing cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes (CTLs) to attack cancer cells. 
Immune checkpoint-blocking (ICB) agents include anti-CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4) and anti-PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1) monoclonal antibodies [87,88]. 
ICB has demonstrated therapeutic effectiveness in a wide range of cancer types, including advanced-stage cancer patients [89,90,91]. 
ICBは、進行期がん患者を含む幅広いがん種で治療効果を示している [89,90,91] 。
Regrettably, only 15–30% of cancer patients who have received treatment benefit from ICB’s therapeutic efficacy [92]. 
残念なことに、ICBの治療効果を享受できるのは、治療を受けたがん患者の15〜30%に過ぎない [92]。
 Most crucially, new reports show that certain cancer patients receiving anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody treatment have rapid disease progression (also known as hyper progressive disease (HPD) instead of cancer remission [93,94,95]. 
Notably, the PD-1 antibody belongs to the IgG4 family. Furthermore, cancers, such as malignant melanoma [48], extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma [96], and pancreatic cancer [97], have been linked to plasma B-cell infiltrates that are IgG4-positive.
注目すべきは、PD-1抗体がIgG4ファミリーに属していることである。さらに、悪性黒色腫 [48]、肝外胆管癌 [96]、膵臓癌 [97] などの癌は、IgG4陽性の血漿B細胞浸潤と関連している。
IgG4′s contribution to cancer is poorly understood, but a groundbreaking study has added important new knowledge. 
Karagiannis et al. [48] studied malignant melanoma and found that IL-4 and IL-10 expression was elevated and that tumor-specific IgG4 was generated locally in the tumor tissues. 
It is common to think of IL-10 as an anti-inflammatory cytokine; however, this is only true in low quantities, as at larger concentrations, it shows pro-inflammatory effects [98,99,100].
IL-10は抗炎症性サイトカインであると考えるのが一般的であるが、これは低濃度においてのみ当てはまることであり、高濃度では炎症促進作用(pro-inflammatory effects )を示す [98,99,100] 。
Karagiannis et al. [48] also found that, in contrast to cancer-specific IgG1, cancer-specific IgG4 failed to activate two immunological processes that employ antibodies to identify and destroy cancer cells. 
Moreover, the IgG1 antibody was able to suppress cancer progression in an in vivo model, while IgG4 failed to do so. 
さらに、IgG1抗体はin vivoモデルにおいて癌の進行を抑制することができたが、IgG4はそれができなかった。
IgG4 antibodies cannot directly attack tumor cells and can interfere with the process of tumor cell death mediated by IgG1 antibodies.
The inhibition of IgG1 binding and activation by Fc RI is the mechanism behind this obstructing activity. 
Fc RIによるIgG1結合と活性化の阻害が、この阻害活性の背後にあるメカニズムである。
Such findings point to a previously un-researched feature of tumor-induced immune escape: IgG4 synthesis induced by tumors limits effector immune cell activities against tumors [48]. 
Another work [101] came to the same conclusion; that is, the IgG4 antibody is important and necessary for cancer immune evasion. 
別の研究 [101] でも同じ結論が得られた。すなわち、IgG4抗体は癌の免疫逃避に重要かつ必要であるということである
In a cohort of individuals with esophageal cancer, B cells producing high IgG4 concentrations were markedly raised in malignant cells and also high in serum samples from patients. 
More IgG4 seems to be linked to more aggressive cancer growth, and both were strongly associated with higher cancer malignancy and poor prognosis. 
It was discovered that IgG4 can contend with IgG1 (as shown in Figure 3) in binding to Fc receptors present in some immune cells in vitro. 
IgG4は、in vitroでいくつかの免疫細胞に存在するFcレセプターに結合する際、IgG1(図3に示す)と競合できることが発見された。
This competition results in the inhibition of typical immune responses against cancer cells, such as cell and complement cytotoxicity and cell phagocytosis, which are mediated by IgG1 antibodies.

Figure 3. The suggested pathway for immune evasion evolved by cancer cells through IgG4 produced from B lymphocytes is depicted diagrammatically. 
図3. Bリンパ球から産生されるIgG4を通してがん細胞が進化させた免疫回避の経路を図式化したもの。
Prolonged exposure to cancer antigens causes B cells to change their class and generate IgG4. 
With its Fc-Fc binding characteristic, such enhanced IgG4 can interact with cancer-bound IgG as well as Fc receptors on immune effector cells. 
Increased IgG4 in the cancer microenvironment promotes an efficient immune evasion mechanism for cancer due to its special structural and biological properties. 
The acronyms ADCC, ADCP, CDC, and NK stand for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, antibody-dependent cell phagocytosis, complement-dependent cytotoxicity, and natural killer cells, respectively. 
Reproduced from [101]. 
This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial. 
この記事は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 非商用(CC BY-NC 4.0)ライセンスの下で配布されているオープンアクセス記事である。このライセンスは、原著作物が適切に引用され、適切なクレジットが付与され、いかなる変更も明記され、使用が非商用であることを条件として、他の人がこの作品を非商用的に配布、リミックス、翻案、構築し、その派生作品を異なる条件でライセンスすることを許可するものである。
(図の説明 終わり) 
Locally elevated levels of IgG4 in cancer tissue hindered antibody-mediated anticancer responses, assisted cancer in blocking the local immune response and indirectly aided in cancer progression. 
Three separate immune-potent mice models supported this theory. 
It was discovered that local administration of IgG4 dramatically sped up the growth of implanted colorectal and breast tumors as well as skin papillomas caused by carcinogens. 
Researchers also examined the IgG4 antibody Nivolumab, which is used in cancer immunotherapy, and discovered that it dramatically accelerated the development of cancer in mice when compared to phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and IgG1-treated groups [101].
Researchers used models of immunologically competent mice to evaluate their hypothesis and further explore the mechanism mediated by such antibodies. 
One model involved injecting non-cancer-specific IgG4 into the subcutaneous inoculation site for breast cancer cells. 
In comparison to other groups of mice (injected with PBS or IgG1 without IgG4), this group’s cancer cell proliferation was dramatically accelerated, generating a significantly larger cancer mass by 21 days. 
Because IgG4 has no direct influence on cancer cell proliferation, these findings unambiguously indicate that cancer cells utilize the IgG4 antibody to block local immunological responses and thus allow cancer growth in vivo via immune escape. 
This could explain the recently discovered hyper-progressive syndrome that is occasionally linked to cancer treatment with PD-1 inhibitors [101].
The immune system can detect cancers that might otherwise escape immune surveillance thanks to immune checkpoint inhibitory therapeutic antibodies that attach to the programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) receptor. 
Yet, IgG4 antibodies can also cause an autoimmune reaction by impeding the immune system’s ability to be suppressed by regulatory T cells [102]. Intriguingly, the anti-PD-1 antibodies are class IgG4, raising the concern that this therapy is a double-edged sword
しかし、IgG4抗体は、制御性T細胞によって抑制される免疫系の能力を阻害することによって、自己免疫反応を引き起こす可能性もある [102] 。興味深いことに、抗PD-1抗体はクラスIgG4であり、この治療法は諸刃の剣であるという懸念がある。
For instance, patients using immune checkpoint inhibitors alone or in combination have been linked to occurrences of acute myocarditis [103,104,105,106], sometimes with lethal consequences [107].
例えば、免疫チェックポイント阻害剤を単独あるいは併用した患者は、急性心筋炎を発症し [103,104,105,106]、時には致死的な結果をもたらすことがある [107]。



IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

繰り返されるワクチン接種により産生されるIgG4はSARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteinに対する免疫寛容を誘起する可能性がある



2. Characteristics of the Unusual IgG4 Antibody2.   特異なIgG4抗体の特徴

2.1.2. IgG4-Related Disease and Its Pathogenesis   2.1.2. IgG4関連疾患とその病態

IgG4 Role in Cancer  癌におけるIgG4の役割

3. The Role of IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Different Vaccines     3. 異なるワクチンによって誘導されるIgG4抗体の役割

3.2. Repeated Vaccination    3.2. 反復接種
3.2.1. Repeated Inoculation with COVID-19 Vaccines    3.2.1. COVID-19ワクチンの反復接種

3.2.2. Repeated Inoculation with HIV Vaccines   (3.2.2. HIVワクチンの反復接種)



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